Meeting of members of renewed commission identifying veteran status seekers who participated in hostilities was held at the State Service of Veterans Affairs


A meeting of the members of the renewed commission which is charged to verify the participation and death in hostilities of those seeking veteran was held at the State Service of Veterans Affairs.

Information on the meeting is spread by the State Service of Veterans Affairs.

Major General Koba Kobaladze, Director of the State Service of Veterans Affairs, introduced the structure of the Service, administrative system, strategy, joint programs implemented by the Service and the state to overcome different challenges faced by veterans. He also talked about the areas of international cooperation and relations with strategic partners, as well as future plans and tasks of the Service.

Koba Kobaladze noted that the willingness of the state to pay well-deserved honor to the participants in the battles for the territorial integrity, freedom and independence of Georgia and their families significantly increased the number of veteran status seekers, and the soldiers without veteran status were motivated to be granted veteran status.

“In order to overcome the social, economic and healthcare challenges faced by veterans and their family members, with the joint efforts of the government, different institutions and the State Service of Veterans Affairs, the legislative acts developed in recent years, the measures taken, and the projects implemented motivated the members of different military units participating in the battles for the integrity of the country to be granted veteran status. All soldiers who honorably served their country and defended their homeland deserve the status of a veteran, and the effective work of the commission is therefore important. 30 years have passed since the commencement of the hostilities in the 90s, however, fortunately, we have decent commanders who are able to take the issue of veteran status with great responsibility. That’s why decent representatives from almost all military units that were involved in the hostilities were selected as members of the commission. You are the people, with whose efforts, I believe, many decent people will join the ranks of veterans”, said Koba Kobaladze.

At the meeting, they also talked about the periodicity of the meetings of the commission members and the future plans that will make the work of the commission more effective.

As a reminder, the renewed composition of the Commission verifying the fact of participation and death in the hostilities of those seeking veteran status was approved by the order of the Director of the State Service of Veterans Affairs, Major General Koba Kobaladze, in accordance with Article 61 of the General Administrative Code of Georgia and the Resolution of the Government of Georgia N342 of July 21, 2016 and as per Article 5, Paragraph 2, (I) and (P) of the Statute of the State Service of Veterans Affairs of a legal entity.