Within the framework of the events dedicated to the Veteran’s Day, an art exhibition of the paintings by the children and grandchildren of veterans was held at the festive reception.
The Prime Minister met the authors of the paintings and wished them success. Artists Anna and Mariam Zhgenti, the children of Zurab Zhgenti, a veteran of Abkhazia and the 2008 August War, gave their painting as a gift to the head of the government.
The students of Faculty of Journalism from different Georgian higher educational institutions including I.Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Gori State University and A. Tsereteli State Unicersity, Kutaisi State University, were invited at the event to participate in the project carried out by the State Service of Veterans Affairs – “Thank you for your Dedication”. Within the framework of the project, the students prepared video-stories about the veterans participating in combat operations for the territorial integrity of Georgia.
Major General Koba Kobaladze, Director of the State Service of Veterans Affairs, thanked the child artists, the students participating in the project – “Thank you for your dedication” and their supervisors at the end of the event, and gave them certificates and memorable souvenirs.