Veterans Day is marked on October 17


An event dedicated to Veterans Day was held at the State Service of Veterans Affairs. Information is spread by the State Service of Veterans Affairs.

According to their information, Prime Minister Irakli Gharibashvili and Director of the State Service of Veterans’ Affairs, Major General Koba Kobaladze, addressed the veterans. Co-chair of the Catholicos-Patriarch of Georgia, Metropolitan Shio of Senaki and Chkhorotsku, read the Patriarch’s congratulations to the veterans.

“Veterans Day is celebrated on October 17!The event dedicated to Veterans Day was held in the State Service of Veterans Affairs, which was attended by the Prime Minister of Georgia Irakli Gharibashvili, Co-Chair of the Catholicos-Patriarch of Georgia, Metropolitan Shio (Mujiri) of Senaki and Chkhorotsku, together with clergy, members of the government and parliament, ambassadors accredited to Georgia, General of the Armed Forces of Georgia Representatives of the headquarters, diplomatic corps, partner organizations of the Service, veterans of the war and defense forces and amputee football players.

Ana and Mariam Zhgenti, the children of Zurab Zhgenti, a veteran of Abkhazia and the 2008 August War, presented their painting to the Prime Minister.

Later, Koba Kobaladze, together with his colleagues and veterans, laid a wreath at the memorial of the heroes who died in the battles for the territorial integrity of Georgia and once again honored the memory of the fighters killed in the hostilities.

Veterans Day was founded in 2014 in Georgia. Veterans Day has been celebrated for the ninth time. On October 17, 1995, the Parliament of Georgia adopted the Law “On Veterans of War and Military Forces”, which subsequently became the basis for the foundation of Veterans Day. Presently, up to 70,000 persons with the status of veteran are registered in the unified database of the State Service of Veterans Affairs including the participants of the Second World War, the 1992-93 military operations in Abkhazia and Samachablo, the participants of the 2008 August War and military operations on the territory of other countries (Afghanistan, Hungary).

Today, the most revered is 105-year-old Aleksandre Biskivadze, a resident of Zestafoni, and a veteran of the Second World War is among the veterans registered in the unified data base of the Service. Different types of events are held throughout the country in connection with the Veterans Day in which the state and private sector are actively involved,” the information says.