Koba Kobaladze awarded veteran employees of Central Election Administration with certificates of honor


On October 23, 2023, Major General Koba Kobaladze, Director of the State Service of Veterans Affairs, veteran employees of the War and Defense Forces of the Central Election Administration: Liana Katamadze, Paata Sakvarelidze, Nodar Museridze, Paata Varazi, Vasil Kalandadze, Giorgi Darbaidze, Teimuraz Kacharava, Varlam Feradze and Bidzina Noniashvili were awarded with certificates of honor and thanked them for their efforts that they took in the fight for the territorial integrity, freedom and independence of the country. The awarding ceremony was conducted within the framework of the week dedicated to the Veterans Day.

According to the information spread by the State Service of Veterans Affairs, the event was held in the administrative building of the Central Election Commission at the initiative of the chairman of the Central Election Commission, Giorgi Kalandarishvili.

“The Central Election Administration joins the week dedicated to Veterans Day. We held the event in close cooperation with the State Service of Veterans Affairs. The director of the Service personally handed over certificates of honor to 9 veterans serving in the election administration, which is kind of their recognition, proof of their merit, their dedication and sacrifice to our country. I am happy that within the framework of our organizational culture, the institution constantly appreciates and recognizes both veterans and employees of other social groups” said the chairman of the Central Election Commission, Giorgi Kalandarishvili.

Koba Kobaladze spoke about the challenges that the veterans had to overcome after the end of the war and noted that there has never been expressed so much support and compassion towards the veterans as it is expressed now by the government and the society. There are a wide range of social and economic services rendered for them. He emphasized that the use of intellectual resources of veterans in the development of the country is particularly important for their integration into society and recognition of their contributions made to the country.

Koba Kobaladze thanked Giorgi Kalandarishvili for appreciating the veterans: “First of all, I would like to thank Mr. Giorgi, the head of the election administration of Georgia, since the first steps are taken to start the appreciation of the honored veterans openly, boldly and straightforwardly” said Koba Kobaladze.

Koba Kobaladze presented symbolic gifts to Giorgi Kalandarishvili, on behalf of the State Service of Veterans Affairs, and wished success to the entire CEC team.

The event was also attended by the first deputy director of the State Service of Veterans Affairs, Nikoloz Kvezereli, employees of the Service, representatives of the administration of the Central Election Commission.

As a reminder, Veterans Day was founded in 2014 in Georgia and it was celebrated for the ninth time in 2023. On October 17, 1995, the Parliament of Georgia adopted the Law ”On Veterans of War and Military Forces”, which subsequently became the basis for the foundation of Veterans Day. A wide range of events are held throughout the country in connection with Veterans Day in which the public and private sector are actively involved.